people / Shoshana Hahn-Goldberg
Candidate for Master of Applied
Science in Industrial Engineering (University of Toronto)
Bachelor of Applied Science
in Industrial Engineering (University of Toronto, 2005)
I began my MASc in September
2005 under the supervision of Professor Chris Beck and co-supervision
of Professor Danny Frances.
My research interests are in
automated timetabling as well as the process involved in solving an
optimization problem. My Masters research will focus on the problem
definition stage of solving a problem. This is the step where decisions
are made about what information to include in the mathematical representation
of a problem. I will be using the timetabling problem of the Faculty
of Applied Science and Engineering (APSC) at the University of Toronto
as an example of a real-world problem. APSC creates conflict-free schedules
for 4000 undergraduate students. Their constraints include shared courses
across departments, highly constrained laboratories, and several external
faculty members with limited availability. This timetabling problem
is a good example of a real-world optimization problem. I will use it
to test the effect of using different problem definitions when trying
to solve the problem.
Contact Information:
Email: shoshanahahnyahoo ca