Current Projects
Past Projects
Constraint Integer Programming
This project aims at combining the advantages of constraint programming and mixed integer programming and developing a new method that computes the scheduling problem more efficiently.
Design Patterns for AI Planning and Scheduling Applications
This project aims at developing modern design patterns for automated planning & scheduling applications to speed up the design process of knowledge models
Execution Monitoring of Rich Plan Representations
This project focuses on Execution Monitoring (EM) for plans represented in a rich format, such as Partial Order Plans. The focus is on effective state evaluation and action selection for an agent acting in a world with uncertainty.
Integration of Queueing and Scheduling
The goal of this project is to develop an effective methodology for solving
dynamic scheduling problems based on the integration of approaches from the
scheduling literature and the queueing theory literature.
Integration of Maintainence and Scheduling
This project aims at integrating maintenance reasoning into production scheduling problems to improve the overall system performance through modeling the effect of equipment conditions on the production process.
Learning Macro Actions for Artificial Intelligence Planning
In this project, we introduce a learning approach to choose macro operators for remodeling
planning domains per problem instance. Also, we remodel the planning domains
similarly by removing basic operators as well as adding macros in an instance-specific context.
Optimization in Forestry Logistics and Scheduling
A collaboration between TIDEL and École Polytechnique (Montreal) to model and solve tactical problems in forestry logistics where uncertainty in travel time, service time, and inventory level are taken into account. We build the application using Constraint and Integer Programming, Simulation, and techniques in Heuristics.