Main.RegistrationForm History

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March 27, 2006, at 09:25 AM by -
Added lines 24-26:

'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone else's credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this.
Deleted lines 28-31:
'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone else's credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this.

March 27, 2006, at 09:25 AM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:
'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone else's credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.
'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone else's credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this.
March 27, 2006, at 09:18 AM by -
Changed line 17 from:
|| Dietary Request||(:input radio diet value=none:) None (:input radio diet value=vegetarian:) Vegetarian (:input radio diet value=vegan:) Other (:input text otherdiet size=10:) ||
|| Dietary Request||(:input radio diet value=none:) None (:input radio diet value=vegetarian:) Vegetarian (:input radio diet value=other:) Other (:input text otherdiet size=10:) ||
March 27, 2006, at 06:11 AM by -
Changed lines 26-27 from:
'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.
'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone else's credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.
March 27, 2006, at 06:10 AM by -
Added lines 24-25:
Changed lines 28-29 from:
March 27, 2006, at 06:10 AM by -
Changed line 20 from:
|| Name on Payment Account '''*'''||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
|| Name on Payment Account(*)||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
Changed lines 24-26 from:
'''*''' - Name on Payment Account. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.

'''(*) - Name on Payment Account'''. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.

March 27, 2006, at 06:09 AM by -
Changed line 20 from:
|| Name on Payment Account'''*'''||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
|| Name on Payment Account '''*'''||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
Changed lines 24-26 from:
'''*'' - Name on Payment Account. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.

'''*''' - Name on Payment Account. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.

March 27, 2006, at 06:09 AM by -
Changed line 20 from:
|| Name on Payment Account||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
|| Name on Payment Account'''*'''||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
Deleted line 21:
Added lines 24-26:
'''*'' - Name on Payment Account. In the case that you are paying with someone elses credit card or a bank transfer from your institution, please provide the name that will appear on the payment. If you are paying with your own credit card then you can ignore this step.

March 27, 2006, at 05:17 AM by -
Changed line 18 from:
|| Accompanying Persons (100 euro each)||(:input text accompanying size=30:) ||
|| Accompanying Persons||(:input text accompanying size=30:) ||
March 27, 2006, at 05:13 AM by -
Changed line 18 from:
|| Accompanying Persons (100 euro each) ||(:input text accompanying size=30:) ||
|| Accompanying Persons (100 euro each)||(:input text accompanying size=30:) ||
Changed line 20 from:
|| Billing Name (in case payment is made using another persons credit card/etc)||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
|| Name on Payment Account||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
March 27, 2006, at 05:12 AM by -
Changed line 20 from:
|| Payment Details||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
|| Billing Name (in case payment is made using another persons credit card/etc)||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
March 27, 2006, at 05:11 AM by -
Added line 20:
|| Payment Details||(:input text paymentdetail size=30:) ||
March 27, 2006, at 05:08 AM by -
Changed line 19 from:
|| Payment Method ||(:input radio payment value=paypal:) Credit Card/Paypal (:input radio payment value=banktransfer:) Bank Transfer ||
|| Payment Method||(:input radio payment value=paypal:) Credit Card/Paypal (:input radio payment value=banktransfer:) Bank Transfer ||
March 27, 2006, at 05:08 AM by -
Added line 19:
|| Payment Method ||(:input radio payment value=paypal:) Credit Card/Paypal (:input radio payment value=banktransfer:) Bank Transfer ||
March 23, 2006, at 12:27 PM by -
Changed lines 25-27 from:
(:include FeeStructures:)

(:include FeeStructure:)

March 23, 2006, at 08:51 AM by -
Changed line 17 from:
|| Dietary Request||(:input radio diet value=none:) None (:input radio diet value=vegetarian:) Vegetarian (:input radio diet value=vegan:) Vegan (:input radio diet value=other:) Other (:input text otherdiet size=10:) ||
|| Dietary Request||(:input radio diet value=none:) None (:input radio diet value=vegetarian:) Vegetarian (:input radio diet value=vegan:) Other (:input text otherdiet size=10:) ||
March 21, 2006, at 03:54 PM by -
Changed lines 23-27 from:
(:include RegistrationFees:)

(:include FeeStructures:)

March 21, 2006, at 03:53 PM by -
Added lines 1-23:
(:input form "register.php":)
(:input hidden nextpage value="":)
|| Attendence||(:input radio attend value=masterclass:) Masterclass (:input radio attend value=conference:) Conference (:input radio attend value=both:) Both ||
|| Student||(:input radio student value=yes:) Yes (:input radio student value=no:) No ||
|| First Name||(:input text firstname size=30:) ||
|| Last Name||(:input text lastname size=30:) ||
|| Title||(:input text title size=30:) ||
|| Affiliation||(:input text affiliation size=30:) ||
|| Address||(:input text address1 size=30:) ||
|| Address||(:input text address2 size=30:) ||
|| City||(:input text city size=30:) ||
|| Postcode/Zip||(:input text postcode size=30:) ||
|| Country||(:input text country size=30:) ||
|| Telephone||(:input text telephone size=30:) ||
|| Fax||(:input text fax size=30:) ||
|| Email||(:input text email size=30:) ||
|| Dietary Request||(:input radio diet value=none:) None (:input radio diet value=vegetarian:) Vegetarian (:input radio diet value=vegan:) Vegan (:input radio diet value=other:) Other (:input text otherdiet size=10:) ||
|| Accompanying Persons (100 euro each) ||(:input text accompanying size=30:) ||
|| || (:input submit value='Register':)||

(:input end:)


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